Saturday, December 26, 2009

Send gifts Get Benefits

Send gifts Get Benefits
Sorry to late. Ask your mafia to send you a gift . then Your mafia find such  thing on invite page of fb

Then sending gift to your mafia you can get Experience or energy or stamina.

I think taking experience is better.


  1. I cant send any... man.. always out of req or noperson selected... what's wrong here ???? and i can send MW req for more than 3 2 weeks... anyone help here !!!!

  2. i think theres some mistake with the exp points
    i get 534 xp for every gift i send

  3. energy is better cause you can do jobs and get more exp points than just 50 that they offer.

  4. I always get 82 exp, and when I request gifts always tells me I am out of requests, yet I've never requested any.

  5. I have noticed that you get so many requests per day. If you send out them all to request new members, you won't have any to request gifts. The same goes for returning gift, the number you return seems to go against the number of requests you have to send adding mafia.

    Also the experience you get for gifts seems dependent on how much experience you have to begin with. The energy or stamina seem constant across the board.

  6. I vote for energy.

    Depending upon the job you do, you can get a lot of EP for the energy you expend, especially the limited time "special" jobs

  7. vote for stamina...

    we can get energy from energy pack when we run out energy, but we had no stamina pack...

    besides the ratio for nrg:xp is 'bout 1:1 to 1:1,33
    we can get 1:1 to 1:6 with stamina... ;]

  8. Depends on the ratio. Personally I got for energy since I usually get offered 50 energy or 87 experience....I can get better than 87 by doing jobs with the I get jobs done as well....double bonus.

  9. unfortunately the gifting thing freezes my browser. i think my near 4500 member friend list is the reason.

  10. XP's for gifting? Where? I have 4700 members and my Browser doesn't get frozen.

  11. Your points awarded are based on your level and mafia size I have been told...

  12. Im choosen stamina,why? because im like kick some axx in out there ^_^ lol

  13. i get 37 energy or 62 xp 0r 10 stamina for sending gift, why it differs from player to player?

  14. send request out everyday and still have only opened 1 box,and I get gifts everyday. Explain that?

  15. Do your math Exp only gets you closer to the next level. Stamina will get you more loot drops, and some experience. Energy will advance your missions, give you experience and has loot drops also. My vote would be for Energy.

  16. Sorry, but with me, send request but when they try to send them, it says no request from this person.
    I find it happening to others as I try to send them a gift, I still send all I can and do get the exp five times but might send out 10+ a day.

  17. Yeah it is pro-rata the higher you are the more you get on the exp points front. Turning to the requests you get allocated a certain amount everyday, 24 I believe, if you use them all up on gaining new members then you will loose out on the gifts. Download the Mafia tool bar too, you get your achievement, a skill point, and best of all a mini energy boost every 8 hours = 30% of your energy, well worth the two mins it takes to do it.

  18. you also get a "tool belt" loot item (30attack & 30defense) for installing toolbar and my energy boost is only 25%. guess thats on a sliding scale too just like everything else seems to be.... also you can only recieve 5 bonuses per day for sending gifts (the XP,energy, or stamina) i usually go for energy. but to each his own...thats why we get choices!

  19. please send me a gift :DDD Clifton Farrugia

  20. By chosing energy you can advance on a job and gain experience at the same time.
