Thursday, April 22, 2010

Glitch!!!Free Item From Chop Shop Or Weapons Depot!

Glitch!!!Free Item From Chop Shop Or Weapons Depot!

This is Great.
The news from one High Level mafia.

If you want to get that item above, just copy-paste the link on your browser.. Don't forget to change the XXXXXXXXXX with your own user ID!
And share the link to your beloved mafias! Ask them to click on the link so you can get free item from them!
Try Before being Fixed.




  1. Explain something to me. How is finding the link that operates a proper wall post like the "I need chop shop parts" wall post a glitch?

    Is it really any different posting that link compared to posting the formal request through MW? I don't think so.

    You still stink.

  2. fake....showing
    You cannot gift this item to yourself.
    is it tested i dont think so....

  3. Worked awesome for me. Looted about 30 Hunters and 30 Mugatis

  4. didinæt get it to work. FAKE or Fixed

  5. Seriously, it worked just fine for me. I copied the link above, for the hunter and changed the Id to mine and posted it on my wall. My mafia clicked on it and sent me a hunter. It only allows 6 people to click on it though. I imagine you can do it every 24 hours. pretty cool. I just can't figure out what link I need to use. thats why I used the one they provided here. If someone could tell me exactly what link to copy, that would be great.
