Tuesday, February 23, 2010

NY All Loot Item List

All Item List


a. Boss Fight Trophies :
1) Street Thug (Level 1 - 4) : Boss Fight - Confront Giancarlo Morillo
Received for defeating Giancarlo Morillo - Blackmail Letter

2) Associate (Level 5 - 8) : Boss Fight - Confront Detective West
Received for defeating Detective West - Badge

3) Soldier (Level 9 - 12) : Boss Fight - Confront Luis Castana
Received for defeating Luis Castana - Pair of Broken Glasses

4) Enforcer (Level 13 - 17) : Boss Fight - Confront Warrant Officer McDonald
Received for defeating Warrant Officer McDonald - Military ID


Received at random time of the year (New Year, Christmas etc.)
- Bottle of Champagne
- Cognac
- Cuban Cigars
- Diamond Necklace
- Gold Rolex
- High Def TV
- Silk Armani Suit



Know the Best Offensive and Defensive Weapons in Mafia wars

Some items attack & defense point changed. These are here

01. .22 Pistol....................
...........................2 Attack.........0 Defense
- Beat Up Rival Gangster (Street Thug Level 1 - 4)

02. .45 Revolver.............................................3 Attack.........2 Defense
- Take Out a Rogue Cop (Associate Level 5 - 8)

03. .50 Caliber Rifle.......................................16 Attack........11 Defense
- Disrupt Rival Smuggling Ring (Hitman Level 18 - 24)

04. 9mm Semi-Automatic.......................................3 Attack.........2 Defense
- Rob a Pimp (Street Thug (Level 1 - 4)

Facebook Mafia Wars: AK-4705. AK-47.....................
..............................22 Attack........21 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot

06. AR-15 Assault Rifle.....................................32 Attack........10 Defense
- Rip Off the Armenian Mob (Underboss Level 60 - 99)

07. Automatic Rifle..........................................4 Attack.........4 Defense
- Bust a Made Man Out of Prison (Soldier Level 9 - 12)

08. Bloody Chainsaw.........................................18 Attack........16 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

09. Bloody Horse Head
Facebook Mafia Wars: Bloody Horse Head.......................................18 Attack........16 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

10.Bonus weapon
Facebook Mafia Wars: Bonus weapon
Bonus Weapon............................................20 Attack........20 Defense
- Inventory (Level 100+)

11. Bookie's Holdout Pistol.................................24 Attack........12 Defense
- Fix the Big Game (Consigliere Level 35 - 59)

12. Brass Knuckles...........................................2 Attack.........2 Defense
- Rough Up Dealers (Associate Level 5 - 8)

13. Butterfly Knife..........................................2 Attack.........1 Defense
- Collect Protection Money (Associate Level 5 - 8)

14. C4.......................................................5 Attack.........2 Defense
- Destroy Enemy Mob Hideout (Soldier Level 9 - 12)

15.Car Bomb.
Facebook Mafia Wars: Car Bomb
...............................................18 Attack........16 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot

16. Cattle Prod.............................................18 Attack........16 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

17. Chainsaw
Facebook Mafia Wars: Chainsaw
................................................18 Attack........12 Defense

- Godfather's Crate

18. Combat Knife
Facebook Mafia Wars: Combat Knife............................................22 Attack........21 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

19. Cupid's Tommy Gun
Facebook Mafia Wars: Cupid

.......................................24 Attack........22 Defense

- Limited Edition Loot

20. Desert Eagle............................................22 Attack........21 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

21. Firebomb.................................................4 Attack.........2 Defense
- Steal a Tanker Truck (Soldier Level 9 - 12)

22. Flamethrower
Facebook Mafia Wars: Flamethrower............................................22 Attack........21 Defense
- Godfather's Crate

23. Gold Mac-10
Facebook Mafia Wars: Gold Mac-10

.............................................30 Attack........30 Defense

- Godfather's Crate

24. Gold MP5................................................30 Attack........30 Defense
- Godfather's Crate

25. Gold-Plated Magnum
Facebook Mafia Wars: Golden Plated Magnum......................................18 Attack........16 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot

26. Gold 9mm Gun
............................................15 Attack........10 Defense
- Godfather's Crate

27. Grenade Launcher........................................14 Attack........10 Defense
- Repel the Yakuza (Hitman Level 18 - 24)

28. Light Anti Tank Weapon
Facebook Mafia Wars: Light Anti Tank Weapon..................................22 Attack........21 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

29. Mac-10
Facebook Mafia Wars: Mac-10
...................................................7 Attack.........5 Defense

- Godfather's Crate

30. Magnum
Facebook Mafia Wars: Magnum...................................................8 Attack.........6 Defense
- Godfather's Crate

31. Meat Cleaver.
Facebook Mafia Wars: Meat Cleaver

...........................................22 Attack........21 Defense

- Limited Edition Loot

32. Meat Hook.
Facebook Mafia Wars: Meat Hook ..............................................23 Attack........22 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

33. Mini Uzi
Facebook Mafia Wars: Mini Uzi ...............................................23 Attack........22 Defense- Limited Edition Loot

34. Napalm..................................................25 Attack.........9 Defense
- Exterminate a Rival Family (Hitman Level 18 - 24)

35. Piano Wire..............................................10 Attack.........5 Defense
- Godfather's Crate

36. Police Baton............................................23 Attack........22 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot

37. Propane Bomb
Facebook Mafia Wars: Propane Bomb 21............................................22 Attack........21 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot

38. Revolver
Facebook Mafia Wars: Revolver .................................................3 Attack.........2 Defense
- Godfather's Gift(?)

39. RPG Launcher............................................20 Attack........12 Defense
- Sell Guns to the Russian Mob (Hitman Level 18 - 24)

40. Semi-Automatic Shotgun...................................5 Attack.........4 Defense
- Fight a Haitian Gang (Soldier Level 9 - 12)

41. Silenced Pistol
Facebook Mafia Wars: Silenced Pistol

.........................................18 Attack........16 Defense

- Godfather's Crate

42. Sniper Rifle............................................22 Attack........21 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

43. St. Valentine's Shotgun
Facebook Mafia Wars: St.Valentine’s Shotgun 22.................................24 Attack........22 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

44. Sub Machine Gun
Facebook Mafia Wars: Sub Machine Gun 12.........................................24 Attack........22 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

45. Tactical Shotgun.........................................3 Attack.........2 Defense
- Perform a Hit (Associate Level 5 - 8)

46. Violin Case Machine Gun
Facebook Mafia Wars: Violin Case Machine Gun .................................23 Attack........22 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

01. Armed Guards
Facebook Mafia Wars: Armed Guards .............................................8 Attack........25 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

02. Body Double
Facebook Mafia Wars: Body Double .............................................10 Attack........25 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

03. Bodyguards...............................................8 Attack........25 Defense
- Protect your City against a Rival Family (Hitman Level 18 - 24)

04. Bulletproof Trenchcoat
Facebook Mafia Wars: Bulletproof Trenchcoat .................................10 Attack........25 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

05. Federal Agent...........................................15 Attack........25 Defense
- Buy Off a Federal Agent (Boss Level 100+)

06. Falsified Document.......................................2 Attack........30 Defense
- Take Over an Identity Theft Ring (Underboss Level 60 - 99)

07. Gas Mask
Facebook Mafia Wars: Gas Mask ................................................8 Attack........20 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot

08. Lucky Shamrock Medallion
Facebook Mafia Wars: Lucky Shamrock Medallion ...............................1 Attack.........7 Defense
- Clip the Irish Mob's Local Enforcer (Soldier Level 9 - 12)

09. Night Vision Goggles.....................................5 Attack........16 Defense
- Assassinate a Political Figure (Hitman Level 18 - 24)

10. Stab-Proof Vest
Facebook Mafia Wars: Stab-Proof Vest 5..........................................2 Attack.........5 Defense
- Kill a Protected Snitch (Soldier Level 9 - 12)


01. Armored Car.............................................14 Attack........15 Defense
- Invade Tong-controlled Neighborhood (Hitman Level 18 - 24)

02. Armored Limosine........................................16 Attack........36 Defense
- Shake Down a City Council Member (Boss Level 100+)

03. Armored Truck............................................4 Attack.........8 Defense
- Smuggle Across the Border (Enforcer Level 13 - 17)

04. Bullet Proof Bentley
Facebook Mafia Wars: Bullet Proof Berkshire ....................................10 Attack........30 Defense
- Mafia Poker Casino

05. Escalade.
...............................................16 Attack........16 Defense
- Limited Edition Loot (Godfather)

06. Harley Davidson "Fat Boy" Motorcycle....................18 Attack.........6 Defense
- Run a Biker Gang Out of Town (Capo Level 25 - 34)

07. Humvee..................................................26 Attack........22 Defense
- Break into the Armory (Underboss Level 60 - 99)

08. Luxury Yacht............................................10 Attack........20 Defense
- Influence a Harbor Official (Consigliere 35 - 59)

09. Police Cruiser..........................................22 Attack........28 Defense
- Blackmail the District Attorney (Boss Level 100+)

10. Porsche 911.............................................20 Attack........14 Defense
- Ransom a Businessman's Kids (Consigliere Level 35 - 59)

11. Private Jet.............................................12 Attack........38 Defense
- Make a Deal with the Mexican Cartel (Boss Level 100+)

12. Prop Plane...............................................5 Attack........20 Defense
- Steal an Air Freight Delivery (Capo Level 25 - 34)

13. Stolen Mail Truck.
Facebook Mafia Wars: Stolen Mail Truck
.....................................10 Attack........20 Defense
- From joining Mafia Wars newsletter on the home page of the game (really?)

01. Blackmail Photos.
0 Attack.........0 Defense
- Obtain Compromising Photos (Hitman Level 18 - 24)

02. Computer Set-Up
0 Attack.........0 Defense
- Rob an Electronics Store (Enforcer Level 13 - 17)

03. Concealable Camera
0 Attack.........0 Defense
- Rob an Electronics Store (Enforcer Level 13 - 17)

04. Illegal Transaction Records..............................0 Attack.........0 Defense
- Steal Bank Record (Capo Level 25 - 34)

05. Untraceable Cell Phone.
0 Attack.........0 Defense
- Rob an Electronics Store (Enforcer Level 13 - 17)

06. Politico Corrupto
0 Attack.........0 Defense
-at Cuba Business

e) CONSUMABLES (Maximum : 10 Items each)

- Getaway Driver : The getaway driver let you escape with no penalty

Health Kit : The health kit heals you for 20 - 30 health

Shiv : The shiv does instant light damage to your enemy

- Stun Gun : The stun gun stuns the enemy allowing for a free attack

*All items looted through Jobs

-wiretap device : Enforcer Job : Overtake Phone Central


1. Chips (Level 9 - 12) : Reward (+2 Attack Skill Points)
- Blue Chips
- Brown Chips
- Gold Chips
- Green Chips
- Purple Chips
- Red Chips
- White Chips

White Poker Chip

Brown Poker Chip

Red Poker Chip

Blue Poker Chip

Green Poker Chip

Purple Poker Chip

Gold Poker Chip

2. Sculptures (Level 9 - 12) : Reward (+3 Defense Skill Points)
- Dragon Sculpture
- Monkey Sculpture
- Rat Sculpture
- Rooster Sculpture
- Sheep Sculpture
- Snake Sculpture
- Tiger Sculpture

Rat Sculpture

Sheep Sculpture

Rooster Sculpture

Monkey Sculpture

Tiger Sculpture

Snake Sculpture

Dragon Sculpture

3. Cigars (Level 13 - 17) : Reward (+2 Energy Skill Points)
- Ebony Cigar
- Gold Cigar
- Ivory Cigar
- Rose Cigar
- Royal Cigar
- Sky Cigar
- Turquoise Cigar

Ebony Cigar

Sky Cigar

Rose Cigar

Ivory Cigar

Turquoise Cigar

Gold Cigar

Royal Cigar

4. Rings (Level 18 - 24) : Reward (+5 Defense Skill Points)
- Amethyst Ring
- Diamond Ring
- Emerald Ring
- Opal Ring
- Ruby Ring
- Sapphire Ring
- Topaz Ring

Topaz Ring

Opal Ring

Amethyst Ring

Emerald Ring

Sapphire Ring

Ruby Ring

Diamond Ring

5. Paintings (Level 25 - 34) : Reward (+6 Energy Skill Points)
- Cezanne Painting
- Dali Painting
- Matisse Painting
- Monet Painting
- Rembrandt Painting
- Van Gogh Painting
- Warhol Painting

Warhol Painting

Cezanne Painting

Matisse Painting

Van Gogh Painting

Dali Painting

Monet Painting

Rembrandt Painting

More about vault Collection

GODFATHER'S CRATE ITEMS (Characters for Attack/Defense see the list above)

a) Common Items
- AK-47
- Bloody Chainsaw
- Bloody Horse Head
- Car Bomb
- Cattle Prod
- Gold 9mm Gun
- Mac-10
- Magnum
- Piano Wire

b) Uncommon Items
- Armed Guards
- Chainsaw
- Combat Knife
- Desert Eagle
- Flamethrower
- Gold-Plated Magnum
- Light Anti Tank Weapon
- Propane Bomb
- Silence Pistol
- Sniper Rifle

c) Rare Items
- Gold Mac-10
- Gold MP5

I still need more info of these items (Which job, which level)
- Bullet Proof Bentley

- Street Thug (Level 1 - 4) : Earn the title as Street Thug (your Mafia's name)
- Associate (Level 5 - 8) : Earn the title as Associate (your Mafia's name)
- Soldier (Level 9 - 12) : Earn the title as Soldier (your Mafia's name)
- Enforcer (Level 13 - 17) : Earn the title as Enforcer (your Mafia's name)
- Hitman (Level 18 - 24) : Earn the title as Hitman (your Mafia's name)
- Capo (Level 25 - 34) : Earn the title as Capo (your Mafia's name)
- Consigliere (Level 35 - 59) : Earn the title as Consigliere (your Mafia's name)
- Underboss (Level 60 - 99) : Earn the title as Underboss (your Mafia's name)
- Boss-Jobs (Level 100+) : Earn the title as Boss-Jobs (your Mafia's name)

* Received +1 Skill Point after mastering each job.

~ Of course one can get the loot (not collection) via fights too. It is 'easier' getting the loot from fights than from job.

 Some items attack & defense point changed. These are here

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