Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bangkok : Are you The Choosen One?

Bangkok : Are you The Choosen One?

Some lucky players who has a working Bangkok on their game already.. They are beta-tester accounts! See the screenshot of the ads on FaceBook below.

There are only 50,000 beta testers and so sad I am not one of them.. Are you the Choosen One?
If u please send me info and write comment .


  1. how can i know that i'm one of them ?

  2. how should we know? pls reply....

  3. My guess would be that you can click the game and it will open up

  4. maybe these beta accounts are for high level players or for the users who are active on zynga forums....

  5. I was lucky enough to be one of the 50000 who clicked quick enough to play MWs beta, I can tell you that since the iframe changes were implemented, that nothing has changed in MWs beta I challenge anyone to find someone playing Bangkok and post a screen shot...I believe Zynga paid for advertising ahead of time and after they screwed up before Christmas, are now behind and NO ONE is in Bangkok.

  6. @ Lee : Lucky you :) Once I was a tester for Cuba. And I didn't have a chance to test Bangkok. Please keep us informed will you ?

  7. from what i found out is...
    there was only a few people who got passport for access to bangkok......
    to make it fair to the others..
    and those people who got the passport, receive 4 one for them to access and 3 more for their friend..
    i was lucky to get one passport from my frined..
    i am a lvl 500+ finish all, new york, cuba and masco games... but that has nothing to do with the access..
