Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New Job on Public Enemie week

New Job on  Public Enemie week

A New Job is added on the Public Enemie  event.
Do the job and gain more Public Enemie  loot.


  1. All i got was prison stripes which i already had anyway. Not worth it to me. I would rather spend my energy finishing off Moscow.

  2. can we get anything other than prison stripes on this job ????

  3. as i understand it the pinsripes are the first step - keep going and u will get other more important things. don't stop now.

  4. I found worries!!! There must have been special item for the ones who found all the items!!!! :(

  5. first two jobs get prison stripes, then the next two u get the pistols and holster. after that not sure the mission is to get to the safehouse... im betting it will be 10 v8 cars. :D these might not be the best items but its definately worth seeing it through to the end. who knows, i could do with two sets of 10 dillinger;s guns or agent purvis rifles.

  6. i found all them.. thakns.. and please give me

  7. at 75% u get the 10 purvis rifles... not bad with the 44 attack

  8. @ 100% i received dillingers glass's
