Saturday, December 12, 2009

Secret Stash On Job in mafia Wars

Secret Stash On Job in mafia Wars
Again Zynga has released new feature .We had hidden stash on fight and now we have hidden stash on job! They call it secreat stash now..
If you do a job, you'll have random chance to find secret stash, like this one :

Yes, you have to choose which loot you want for yourself and your mafia. Only one!
Then you'll have the chance to choose whether you want to share the chosen loot with your mafia or pass.

If you choose to share the loot, you'll need to publish it on your wall. There will be only 5 mafias who can grab it.



  1. Yeah, but the eliminated loot drops in fights, the Tight buzzards.

  2. well i don't know about the above but personally i have had none of the same problems.
    I actually wanted to post saying thank you for answering my question. I like this site. I get all my questions answered :)
    Have a great day.

  3. I don't know. Just checking things out.

  4. How is a player supposed to gain mafia attack and defense, if loots from both jobs and fights are replaced with this secret-loot nonsense which, exactly as Henry Arifin noted, doesn't benefit us. So what really will be the point in doing jobs and doing fights, and leveling up?

    I've noticed that loots stopped from fights. The secret stash will likely replace the same in jobs. If so, then indeed what would be point playing the game.

    BTW, I learned earlier the issue is due to Facebook's changing of policies as of Dec 1' 09. MW is simply conforming to FB demands. If all the changes are not done in order to comply with FB's arbitrary demands by Dec 20, MW risks being shut down...

    Not sure why FB started dictating the game when the gamers haven't complained (class level) about its fight/compensation schemes.

  5. Frustration knows no limit with all these 'blimin' changes...and stuff-ups!!. I am also so over this game !! Gees Theresa if you have not experienced any problems you are rare and most lucky...check out MW forum...theres a revolt happening and its going to all end in tears!!

  6. I hate losing the loot drops in fights. This is also available while doing jobs in New York for those of you who haven't finished up or people like me that redo the jobs to get more loot and collection items.

  7. This really sucks.....stupid loot is wat u get.... MW making a bad december...with all bugs... and now this....
    Hope MW team read this...

  8. as some of the above posters said, This is a FB problem, not MW. The best thing we can do is show MW our support, and hope they can reach the deadline FB set. If not, MW will be taken away by FB. The deadline for said changes is Dec 20th.

  9. It's not that bad on the Myspace version of the game. Boycott FB, not MW. It also seems like the Myspace version is a lot like the older version of MW.

    Sure you'll have to start over as the two versions are not connected in any but it is a chance to start over. The game also plays a lot faster than it does on FB!

    Try it, you'll probably like it.

  10. It is NOT MAFIA WARS anymore it is PANSY PALACE!!! SISSY LAND!!! Sorry I really do wish we could shut this site down now!! It is about a Mafia getting bigger and stronger and that is about taking over ..looting...whacking people... Just think of the name and replace the old game!!
    Bring back robbing and make it so the smaller guys won't loose so much .. Easy fix there .. only allow certain levels to attack each other ...Keep big guys with in their own and smaller ones within their own.. One has to be able to loot to build ..Which I understand your running a business and you need to make money but forcing people to buy Godfather Points will not keep you in business ..I have a family and with that come certain PRIORITIES not gaming ..Heck we are looking at gaming on PC again at least I know it wont change after I purchase the game... If I want more action I go online no big deal...If you loose a lot of people or you loose them all what business will you ruin ..YOURS!!!! Rethink what is going on here ...Hell I have some killer items that I wanted to submit to you for making money ..but forget that I will send them else where now .. I loved the old game ..My kids Love Fishville & Farmville but we will be leaving those as well ... Unless there are changes that make this site the one to stay with. Victor ....

  11. by clicking on any of the 3 images -= in the example above - grenade launcher, prop plane or snow fort - you can decide which one you want to share with the others.

    I am still unclear as to whether you get all 3 items or only the one u selected. - so choose wisely - in this case i would personally click on prop plane as i feel thawt is the best of the 3 choices given.

  12. new loot drops sucks! no robbing sucks!game is getting easy and boring game for whimps

  13. The new hidden stash in fights is to deter botters - which I thoroughly agree with. But the way they have "solved" the problem is an even bigger problem and is hurting everyone, not just the cheaters. For example, often times when I try to send the named person to claim the hidden stash, the request cannot be posted to the persons wall. Thus the stash cannot be claimed. Plus it seems that there is a limited amount of time to claim the stash, so if your friend doesn't make it in time, you lose it again. They have to figure out another solution because this going to drive people away in droves. No more robbing. Wars against only your friends. Shifting the game to the favor of energy players rather than fighters (and not anywhere close to being fair or more evenly distributed). Dramatic decrease in loot drops in jobs. They are destroying the game for loyal players.

  14. I am in total agreement with all the complaints EXCEPT who to blame! This is a FACEBOOK issue! Just like all the other stupid changes we have endured over the past few months! Like the LIVE NEWS FEED! I have lost contact with so many of the people that use to show up on my wall everyday and that is FACEBOOK! Mafia Wars is not doing this on their own! They are struggling to meet a deadline proposed by FACEBOOK set for DEC. 20! Maybe if someone tried to get behind them and fight for them then they would hear our complaints and fight for us! Ever thought of that! Instead of this stupid petition against ZYNGA turn it to FACEBOOK! It's their rules!

  15. It is a dissapointment when some of my loot drops can't post. Sometimes when you post a stash to someones wall they may not get it if they hid you as a friend. Please go back to the loot drop that can be kept and accumulated intoour fight skills. It isn't fair to get one once in while. If we use the stamina and energy on a fight and a loot drops we are entitled to that. Please fix the problem so we definetly get our loot and if our friend misses the stash taht is on them not on us... Please Please fix the problem.

  16. My own opinion is that Castle Age is worse than this one for bugging people. I hurried through and made it to the end and the game is very repetitive. So they added dragons, but no one can fight them alone, and it's timed. So you have to spam your friends to get them to fight for you. Not that Mafia Wars isn't getting worse and worse, it's just the best game out there because they don't just keep doing the same things over and over. They keep adding stuff and making it a little different each time. There's enough stuff to do to waste your entire day! Or you can log in once a day and just use up your energy. The spam is awful. I do hate it. But to say there is any other game that comes close to wasting an entire day is just wrong, in my opinion. Of course this applies only to the Facebook version. I'm interested in checking out game elsewhere.

  17. Anyone have a link to what FB is requiring of games by Dec. 20?

  18. my gaming tactic was fighting and i had a really strong character, now i dont see the point in fighting, it´s just a waste of time, it´s getting bored, just do jobs, because they have already screw up the robbery and now the fighting, what´s left? jobs. let somebody else do the job, i´m going to find a game that allow me to apply my strategy and have fun.


  20. Bonus!vito corrleone found a 9mm Semi-Automatic while fighting Don Gaiser! It's been added to your Loot!

    the lot in figt is back

  21. please zynga i beg of u let robbing back if its not there then theres no point in having those bonuses that we spend so much on and send when they dont do crap so plz either add the robbing back for all are sake or just get rid of those robbing boosts thanks

    mafia wars fan


  22. I appreciate all of your help. Sometimes it is a bit late but nonetheless, I thank you!!!!

  23. EVERYTHING....EVER, I have ever got from this site is old....there is no new information ...EVER!!

  24. i think mafia wars has problems too. but, alot of them are FB problems. FB limited a lot of what they can do. the wall post are too many. but, most FB games have too many. i wish this game and many others the best.

  25. I agree with David!! This is OLD news!!!

