Friday, December 11, 2009

Zoloto Sports Car in Mafia Wars

Zoloto Sports Car in Mafia Wars

One Of The Best Vehicles in Mafia wars.
You will find "Ship Black-Market Caviar To London" job (both sides) in Episode 6 in Moscow.



  1. Pick mafia in episode 6. The Master - loot is better as in Vory ;-)

  2. your link once again says invalid item selected-meaning 3 links in a row---they suck

  3. I found it in Vory so it must be available in both!

  4. INVALID LINK; please post correct one, somebody please.

  5. it is available in both...the trick is pick vory to get the konstantin cargo carrier..and dont master other tiers till u get 501,after that pick mafiya and get the zmeya carbon blade...u need them both cause the best defence vehicle and best defence weapon

  6. i heard there was a way of flipping - but i don't remember how. in the meantime i am still finishing off el Padrino Principal and haven't started el cacique yet - so level 6 in Moscow is far away.

  7. to circuitboyscott - do you have a choice in when u start looting? or does the loot come automatically as u move forward?

  8. Thank you Henry Arifin for taking time to summarize a lot of the things that bother and irritate a lot of us. I particularly like paragraphs (1),(3),(7),(8),(9). With regards (3), loot drops have gotten really bad in other apps too, to the extent I'm considering not playing those. I wrote Zynga but got a generic non-response. With regards (7), unless I'm bogged down in semantics, why are we warring our own friends ? War should only be against non-friends. With regards both (8) and (9), AMEN ! Zynga should read and heed Henry's paragraph (1).
